G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI was founded in the year 1961. G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is a CBSE Affiliated Boys English Medium Senior Secondary.CBSE Affiliation ID / Code of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is 2754010. Affiliation Type of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is General. School's current affiliation is valid from 1/4/2020 to 31/ 3/ 2023. The school is located at the address - Srinivaspuri New Delhi. The school is being managed by Delhi Admn. Contact number of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is 2691194. School's official email id is narendrakiran68[at]gmail.com.
About G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI
School Name |
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School |
Affiliation Code |
2754010 |
Address |
Srinivaspuri New Delhi |
District |
State |
Office Phone |
2691194 |
Residence Phone |
26463697 |
E-mail |
narendrakiran68[at]gmail.com |
Foundation Date |
4/1/1991 |
School Status |
Senior Secondary |
Trust Name |
Delhi Admn |
About School Principal
Name of Principal |
Qualification |
M.a., M.com., Ph.d. |
Administrative Experience (in Years) |
7 |
Teaching Experience (in Years) |
39 |
About CBSE Affiliation
Type of Affiliation |
General |
Affiliation Start On |
1/4/2020 |
Affiliation END On |
31/ 3/ 2023 |
About Type of School
School Category |
Boys |
Type of Medium |
English |
Type of School |
Govt Aided |
FAQ about G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI
What is CBSE Affiliation Code of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI?
CBSE Affiliation Id / Code of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is Two Million Seven Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Ten (2754010).
What is Address of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI?
Address of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is Srinivaspuri New Delhi.
When was G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI founded?
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI was founded in the year 1961.
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI comes in which type of category?
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI comes in Boys category.
What is medium of education in G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI?
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is English Medium School.
G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is of which type?
Type of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI is Govt Aided school.
Who is the principal of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI?
NARENDRA KUMAR SINGH is the Principal of G B Pant Govt.sar Boys Sr Sec School, SOUTH DELHI.