Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD

Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD was founded in the year 2016. Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is a CBSE Affiliated Co-educational English Medium Secondary School.CBSE Affiliation ID / Code of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is 430493. Affiliation Type of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is General. School's current affiliation is valid from 1/4/2020 to 31/3/2023. The school is located at the address - Shloka - A Birla School, Near Government School,Opposite Big Bazaar, Salvav Village, Valsad. The school is being managed by Prayas Foundation Trust. Contact number of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is 0878058565. School's official email id is academics.vapi[at] Official website of the School is

About Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD

School Name Shloka - A Birla School
Affiliation Code 430493
Address Shloka - A Birla School, Near Government School,Opposite Big Bazaar, Salvav Village, Valsad
District VALSAD
Office Phone 0878058565
E-mail academics.vapi[at]
Foundation Date 6/6/2016
School Status Secondary School
Trust Name Prayas Foundation Trust

About School Principal

Name of Principal MRS. HAZRA KHAN
Qualification M.A / B.ed
Administrative Experience (in Years) 7
Teaching Experience (in Years) 6

About CBSE Affiliation

Type of Affiliation General
Affiliation Start On 1/4/2020
Affiliation END On 31/3/2023

About Type of School

School Category Co-educational
Type of Medium English
Type of School Independent

FAQ about Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD

What is CBSE Affiliation Code of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD?
CBSE Affiliation Id / Code of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is Four Hundred Thirty Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Three (430493).

What is Address of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD?
Address of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is Shloka - A Birla School, Near Government School,Opposite Big Bazaar, Salvav Village, Valsad.

When was Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD founded?
Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD was founded in the year 2016.

Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD comes in which type of category?
Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD comes in Co-educational category.

What is medium of education in Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD?
Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is English Medium School.

Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is of which type?
Type of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is Independent school.

What is the official website of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD?
Official website of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD is

Who is the principal of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD?
MRS. HAZRA KHAN is the Principal of Shloka - A Birla School, VALSAD.

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