Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA

CBSE Affiliation ID / Code of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is 1630611. Affiliation Type of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is General. School's current affiliation is valid from 1/4/2018 to 31/ 3/ 2023. The school is located at the address - V.P.O.Chhapar. Contact number of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is 01675-240286. School's official email id is anandisher[at]

About Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA

School Name Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School
Affiliation Code 1630611
Address V.P.O.Chhapar
Office Phone 01675-240286
E-mail anandisher[at]
School Status Senior Secondary

About School Principal

Name of Principal MR. BIPAN SETHI
Qualification M.Sc., B.Ed
Administrative Experience (in Years) 11
Teaching Experience (in Years) 21

About CBSE Affiliation

Type of Affiliation General
Affiliation Start On 1/4/2018
Affiliation END On 31/ 3/ 2023

About Type of School

Type of School Independent

About Near Famous Landmark

Near Railway Station to Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is AHMADGARH and it's 2 KM far from Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA. Near Police Station to Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is AHMADGARHAHMADGARH and it's 2 KM far from Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA. Near Nationalised Bank to Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is STATE BANK OF PATIALA, AHMADGARH and it's 2 KM far from Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA.

Near Landmark Name of Landmark Distance from School (in KM)
Railway Station AHMADGARH 2

About Enrollment of the Students

The school has classes till Class XII. For an approximate of 1376 students, the school has a staff of 50. There are 38 classrooms, Composite Science Lab, Maths Lab, Computer Science Lab, Library and 42 other rooms in the school.

Class No. of Section No. of Student
I-V 15 669
VI-VIII 8 319
IX-X 6 206
XI-XII 4 182

About Teaching Staff

Staff No. of Staff No. of Trained Staff No. of Untrained Staff
PRTs 25 18 7
TGTs 15 13 2
Librarian 1 1 0
PTI 2 2 0
PGTs 5 4 1
Supervisor/Vice Principal 2 2 0

About Labs and Rooms Details

Room Name No. of Room Length of Room (in ft.) Breadth of Room (in ft.)
Class Room 38 30 18.6
Composite Science Lab 02 26.75 18.6
Physics Lab 01 30 16
Chemistry Lab 01 46 25.6
Biology Lab 01 30 16
Maths Lab 01 25.6 18.6
Computer Science Lab 01 39.41 26.75
Library 01 39.41 26.75
Other Rooms 42 24 16


There are 6095 books in the library of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA. The school has subscribed to 05 daily newspapers, 15 periodicals, 144 reference books and 15 Magazines as well.

Total No. of Books 6095
No. of Periodicals 15
No. of Dailies 05
No. of Reference Books 144
No. of Magazine 15


Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA has infrastructure for Indoor Games, Gymnasium, Music Rooms, Health and Check Up.

Swimming Pool No
Indoor Games Yes
Dance Rooms No
Gymnasium Yes
Music Rooms Yes
Hostel No
Medical Check up Yes

About Physical Size

Area of Campus of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is 63171.428404 Sq. Meter. Area of Playground of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is 23452.63. Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA has ONE Site.

Area of Campus (in Sq. M) 63171.428404
Area of Campus (in Acres) 15.61
Built up Area in (in Sq. M) 39718.86
No. of Site ONE
Area of Playground (in Sq. M) 23452.63


Type of W.C and Urinals Flush
No. of Urinals for Boys 26
No. of Urinals for Girls 26
Potable Water yes
Has Certificate about health
and sanitary conditions

FAQ about Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA

What is CBSE Affiliation Code of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
CBSE Affiliation Id / Code of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is One Million Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Six Hundred Eleven (1630611).

What is Address of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
Address of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is V.P.O.Chhapar.

Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is of which type?
Type of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is Independent school.

Who is the principal of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
MR. BIPAN SETHI is the Principal of Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA.

How far Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is from AHMADGARH Railway Station?
The school is approx 2 km from AHMADGARH Railway Station.

How far Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA is from AHMADGARHAHMADGARH Police Station?
The school is approx 2 km from AHMADGARHAHMADGARH Police Station.

Is there any Swimming Pool in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
No, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA does not have Swimming Pool in their campus.

Are there any facilities for Indoor Games in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
Yes, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA has facilities for Indoor Games.

Is there Gymnasium (Gym) in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
Yes, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA has a Gymnasium (Gym).

Is there a separate Music Room in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
Yes, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA has a separate Music Room.

Is there a separate Dance Room in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
No, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA does not have a separate Dance Room.

Is there any Hostel in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
No, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA does not have a Hostel.

Are there Medical facilities in Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA?
Yes, Anand Isher Sr.Sec.Public School, LUDHIANA has facilities for Medical and Health Check Up.

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